Top 5 oils with anti-aging effect | 1001 stories

Top 5 oils with anti-aging effect

As we age, the skin loses its moisture and elasticity, thanks to which wrinkles and fine lines appear. Many of the best means of retaining youth for a long time come directly from nature. These are oils rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that fight free radicals, hydrate and nourish the skin. This makes them one of the fastest growing category on the market. The cosmetics industry has long sniffed them out, and they are present in any anti-aging product. But besides the youthfulness of the skin, they can remove makeup and dirt, soothe inflammations and help in the regeneration of cells. Here are some of them:

Prickly pear oil

 Only a few drops of it are enough, it is extremely strongly nourishing the skin and smoothing the traces of ageing. Prickly pear oil absorbs quickly and penetrates easily into the epidermis. Exerts a powerful regenerating effect, nourishes and has a strong anti-aging effect. Restores the shine and elasticity of the skin, it is rich in amino acids that stimulate collagen production. It is also rich in vitamin K, which helps to clarify the dark circles around the eyes.

Avocado oil

 Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, E and D, it protects the skin from the harmful influence of the sun and the appearance of spots. Oil is a natural antioxidant and helps to cleanse toxins and free radicals, improves elasticity and softens. Its other properties are to hydrate, protect against morning rays and soothe irritated skin.

Apricot oil

Apricot oil is rich in vitamin E, which is invaluable for rejuvenating and nourishing the skin. The oil is not made from the fruits, but from nuts that contain high levels of fatty acids. It is extremely suitable for dry skin, quickly absorbs and acts moisturizing.

Argan oil

This oil is an essential ingredient in many cosmetic products. Argan is also rich in vitamin E, acts nourishing and moisturizing, and is also suitable for all skin types. It acts soothing and helps with acne and other skin irritations. One of the top oils that affect the signs of aging, namely reducing wrinkles and darkening of the skin.

Almond oil

Like the oils we listed, almond oil has rejuvenating and nourishing properties for the skin. Acts anti-inflammatory and helps with eczema and psoriasis. Almond oil clarifies the complexion, helps to erase scars, protects and hydrates the skin.

How is it best to use oils?

 These oils are basic and you can use them in combination with essential oils. Mixing is about 6 drops of essential in 20ml base. With the above well connect:

  • Rosemary oil
  • Sage oil or sage oil
  • Ylang ylang
  • Neroli
  • Lavndula

Once you have made your serum, it is good to take a sensitivity test. Smear a small area of your skin with it and wait for a day's worth. If there is no redness or reaction, you can safely use it. For best results, it is good to use your serum as an anti-wrinkle cream – twice a day. 

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